Rules and Regulations
1 - The name of the association shall be “The Otford Allotments Association”.
2 - The objectives of the Association shall be to:
(a) promote the interests of allotment holders and gardeners and to take joint action for the benefit of Members and Associate Members;
(b) liaise with any central committees, local authorities and national or district bodies having interest in allotments and allotment holders;
(c) take such steps as may be required by the local authority for the good management and cultivation of allotments;
(d) to provide appropriate insurance for Members and Associate Members whilst working on site;
(e) to maintain a relevant Risk Assessment and Health and Safety Policy, which must be adhered to by all Members and Associate Members.
3 - The Association shall consist of such allotment holders and Associate Members whose application for membership shall be approved by the parish agent / committee.
4 - The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a committee of management of not less than six members. The committee and other officers shall retire at the annual meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. Unless otherwise determined, a quorum at committee meetings shall be not less than four members. Casual vacancies shall be appointed by the committee and these members shall hold office until the next annual meeting.
5 - The officers shall be:president; chairman; vice-chairman;treasurer; secretary and auditor who shall (with the exception of the auditor) be ex-officio members of the committee.
6 - The annual general meeting (at which the audited accounts and secretary’s report shall be submitted and the officers for the forthcoming year be elected) and other general meetings shall be held at such times as the committee or a general meeting shall determine.Ten members shall form a quorum and in the case of equal voting, the chairman shall have a casting vote. Special general meetings shall be called following a request in writing by at least ten members.
7 - Every Member and Associate Member shall pay an annual subscription as may be determined by the committee.
8 - The committee shall select a bank and open a bank account in the name of the Association.
9 - An auditor shall be appointed who is not a member of the committee, to audit the accounts and submit a report to the annual meeting.
10 - Competitions: The association may enter in accordance with rule 2(b) as decided by the management committee.
11 - Local judging will be held on or after the last Monday in June. The committee will determine the date and notify members.
12 - Members are responsible for maintaining the dividing paths adjacent to their plots.
13 - Stones, weeds or other garden refuse shall not be deposited on the paths or roadways. Plots shall not be used for storing or burning household refuse.
14 - Compost heap containers and supports shall not be erected within 6” (15cm) of path edges as these can cause obstruction to grass cutting.
15 - Designated car parking areas must be used. Parking on the Mill Meadow site should be avoided in wet/wintery conditions. Please take great care to avoid damaging the grass surface of the main car park.
16 - Water tanks and baths are for communal use and must be refilled. These should be erected above ground level, or an escape route privided to protect wildlife.Chemical contamination should be avoided, hence the cleaning or immersion of produce and plant and chemical containers in the tanks is prohibited. Please provide your own container if you wish to wash tools. NOTE! 26 June 2009 Following an incident with a water container, Otford Parish Council's Insurance Company have instructed that all tenants drain or provide a suitable cover their water containers.
17 - Regulations over the water supply to the OAA site ( as required by the OPC on behalf of the water supply company ) will be complied with at all times. These regulations particularly affect and restrict the use of hoses, irrigation devices and storage tanks. Details are outlined in the tenancy agreement.
18 - A regular newsletter will be published and a website maintained.
19 - Any matters not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the committee at their discretion.
Rules updated and copy issued to all Members and Associate Members, October 2008