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Do you have plots available?

We are fully let. Please email to be added to the waiting list.


Where are the plots situated?

We have two sites as part of our allotment area; Recreation Ground and Mill Meadow. 


How large are the plots?

A full allotment plot is 10 rods: however we are happy to discuss your requirements with you and make smaller plots available where possible. A rod is 5.5 x 5.5 yards, equivalent to 30.5 sq yards or 25.3 sq metres.


How much does a plot cost?

The annual charge is £2.20 per rod - great value for a year of fresh air, exercise & fresh food! Becoming an Association member will cost £5 for an annual subscription and an Associate Member for £2.50 - see benefits below!


Is there equipment available for me to use?

Yes, we do have some equipment which can be made available to members for a small fee. We ask you to pay for the key to the lock up. We also provide a health and safety briefing on the equipment before it can be used.

If you are interested in having a key please email us and we can make the necessary arrangements.


Is a water supply available on site?

Yes, there are a number of taps situated around the site which are switched on between March and October. The use of water is covered within your annual subscription. There is however, a small annual charge for the use of a hosepipe.


What sort of things can I grow?

Our members cultivate a variety of fruit, flowers, vegetables, salads ...& even the occasional weed!  Members are more than happy to share advice and information on the types and varieties that grow best on our allotments.


Can I buy things through the Association?

We have an excellent seed purchasing scheme, which enables members to buy quality seeds, at discounted prices. When you get your plot and become a member of the Otford Allotment Association, full details will be made available to you. 


What are the other benefits of joining the Association? 

Being part of a group of over 80 people, of all ages, who enjoy the benefits of allotment gardening, & sharing their expertise & experience. Some of us are raw beginners, others have been gardening in Otford for many years! 

We enjoy occasional social events & monthly working parties to maintain & improve the site. 


Members, & Associate Members are covered by insurance, and the association owns a number of different gardening equipment including lawn mowers, available for use by members for a small fee.


You will also receive a regular Newsletter and can benefit from our discounted seed buying scheme in the autumn. We also have discount cards with local garden centres.


We hold competitions throughout the year; annual allotment competition, scarecrow competitions and you have chance to enter the Autumn Flower and Craft Show much more!


Annual AGM meetings are held where you can meet fellow members, hear the latest information about the association and even volunteer to become a committee member yourself.


How can I contact the Otford Allotment Association?

You can contact us by email, or you can pop down to the site to talk to one of our members. We hold work parties on the 3rd Saturday from March to October. Members will be at hand and will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

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